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Class Work 20th - 24th April



1. Go into website and click I'm a student

2. Sign in their first child with the code

3. Click the avatar on top left hand corner

4. Click on + join class

5. A pop up will appear prompting them to enter the code of their second child.

6. Click on join class.

Sixth Class – Mrs. Meehan


Abair Liom

Léigh ‘An teicneolaíocht timpeall orainn’ ar ln. 94.

Foghlaim na foclóir ar ln. 94

Léigh an Comhrá ar ln. 95

Freagair na ceisteanna ar ln. 95

Dean C. Comhrá agus D. Cé acu is fearr leat ln. 96

Léigh sa Bhaile

Léigh na scéalta ar ln. 89, 90, 91, 92.

English: Flying High Stage 4 Book 2

Read ‘Life in Russia’ pg 182

Complete A, B, C, D pg 186-187

Read at Home Stories pg. 89, 90, 91, 92.

Spelling Made Fun Week 23

Novel: ‘Good Night Mr. Tom’ Read at least one chapter per day, if not already


Maths: Planet Maths:

Topic 22: Directed Numbers: Complete A pg. 139, B, C, D pg. 140

Mental Maths: Week 28.

SESE: Small World History: Read ‘Northern Ireland’, pg 86

Complete A and B pg 90.

Seesaw Activity: Daily Journal

Dear Students,

I hope you are enjoying this time of remote learning! During your days I am sure you

have been busy with lots of different things. Take some time each day to share what

you have been doing. If you have learnt something new, even if it is to do with

cooking, cleaning or gaming, share this! Upload: photos, videos, audio or write

away! It is your own personal journal, but make sure your spelling, grammar and

punctuation is all there, think of ways you can make your writing more engaging for

the reader and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Look forward to hearing from you.


Ms. Meehan

Fifth Class - Mrs. Mc Cann


Master your Maths- week 28 and complete the Friday test

(I have uploaded the answers for week 27 to Seesaw)

Planet Maths- 3D Shapes-Topic 20

Pg. 162 B; Pg. 163 A, B & D; Pg. 164 A, B & C; Pg. 165 A, B, C & D

(I have uploaded the answers for the Number Sentences chapter to Seesaw



Above the Clouds- pg. 212- Syria

Pg. 216 A& C (just write true/false);

Pg. 217 D (write the word in brackets and its anagram); E-rewrite the

sentences and G (try to include Title/Date/Greeting/Subject/First/Next/After

that/Finally/Sign Off)

Spellwell- List 27 and complete activities on pg. 58+59


Duolingo- I have set up a class account and will forward the login details to

your email addresses. Please try to spend 10 minutes per day working on it.

Abair Liom- pg. 117 G; Pg. 119 I; Pg. 120 críochnaigh an dán faoin ngaoth; Pg.

121 críochnaigh an dán faoin mbáisteach

*each day Cúla 4 have a Scéal an Lae- if possible listen to this

* ELeathanach (Maynooth University) - this is a weekly newsletter which is

geared to primary school children with topical issues


Smallworld- Unit 15: Weather, Climate and Atmosphere

Read this chapter and write 10 interesting facts that you learned from the

chapter in your SESE copy.


**Check your Seesaw account daily where you will be given an activity to do or

may be asked to upload some of your work.

Fourth Class – Mrs. Collette O’Toole


Léigh sa Bhaile Continue to read one passage per day

 Abair Liom P.148 Cú Chulainn Léigh an scéal

P.149 A Freagair na ceisteanna

P.182 Learning First 10 verbs AC and AL


 Lift Off! P.176 Read the story Cosmic

 Lift Off! P. 180 Complete A and B

 Read at Home Continue to read one passage per day

 Spelling Made Fun E P.56, P57 Unit 26 (Learn Spellings)

 Writing: Procedural Writing (Look at material on Seesaw on

Procedural Writing/Writing Instructions)


 Planet Maths P.167 3D Shapes P.168 A and B , P.169 A and

B, P.170 B,C and D P.171 B and D

 Master Your Maths P.58, 59 Week 27

 Tables Revision 5 and 6


Revision of Counties of Ireland and Rivers of Ireland (Use Seesaw)

Third Class – Mrs. Canny

Master Your Maths - please complete Week 28, pages 60 & 61 as well as the Fri test on page 93. There may be some items we haven't covered in class but do what you can.

Tables Expert - Complete the pages on Dividing by 10 - pages 74-77.

Folens have made their books available online. Please go to Planet Maths & complete work in your ordinary copy.

1. Go to and click register

2. Select Teacher

3. Fill in a username, email and password

4. For Roll Number use the code: Prim20 for primary book resources

5. You will then receive an email to verify your account. When verified click on teacher, class and you may leave all subjects ticked as you can browse through other subjects if you would like.

6. Type Planet Maths 3rd Class in the search button at the top of the page. You will have option to click on resources or the eBook.

Planet Maths - complete the following exercises over the week - Topic 19 Weight, page 115 B, page 116 A & B. Don't forget to always write your sums with the numbers under each other to add & not across as they are on the page sometimes.

Read at Home - Continue reading a page per day ( out loud for someone older if possible) but DO NOT write out the answers to the questions this week.

Ready to Go - Read 'Toto - the Ninja Cat. Answer Questions A & E. During the week you will complete an exercise on Seesaw also.

Spellings Made Fun - List 26 Complete pages 56 & 57

Abair Liom - When you have registered with Folens (from Planet Maths above) you will also be able to access Abair Liom E. Chapter 17 - Look at the poster and vocabulary on Caitheamh Aimsire, pages 140 & 141. At the bottom of the page you will see an icon that looks like a stack of pages with a number on it - when you click on this it will open some online resources to help you. Read the story on page 142. There will be an exercise on Seesaw during the week on this.

Leigh sa Bhaile - Continue to listen to and read a page each day. DO NOT write any answers this week.

SESE - Creating and exploring bubbles. On Seesaw you will see the experiments you can do with bubbles.

Mrs Kenny’s Third Class

Master Your Maths - Complete week 28, including the Friday test on page 91.

Tables Expert C – Week 20 Revision of division tables 2, 4, 8, 10 and 5

Complete a page per day- page 82-85. Can you complete each sum quickly? You can download the Math Bingo app to help you revise your tables or ask an older person to test you.

Planet Maths- 3D shape pages152-156

Ready to Go - Read “Toto the Ninja Cat” pages 182-188 and answer exercises A and E in your copy. During the week you will be asked to complete a task on Seesaw also.

Spelling Made Fun- Complete Unit 26 – colour a section per day.

Handwriting- Complete page 49

Léigh sa Bhaile – Seachtain 28: Continue reading a page per day and

answer the questions orally. Don’t forget you can also listen to each page

being read online at

Abair Liom-Chapter 17: Look at the poster and vocabulary on Caitheamh

Aimsire pages 140 & 141. At the bottom of the page you will see an icon

that looks like a stack of pages with a number on it- when you click on this

it will open some online resources to help you. Read the story on page 142.

There will be an exercise on Seesaw during the week.

*Instructions how to register for Folens was included in the notes before

Easter so if you can’t remember check back on the “Latest news” on the

school website.

SESE-Creating and exploring bubbles. On Seesaw you will see the

experiments you can do with bubbles.

Check your Seesaw app for activities to help support learning.

Mrs Kenny’s Second Class

Master Your Maths - Complete week 28 including the Friday test.

Tables- Revise +1 and -1 tables. You can download the Math Bingo app to

help you revise your tables or get an older person to test you. Can you

complete each sum quickly?

Operation Maths- 3D shape pages 99-101, your glance card will help you.

Lines and angles pages 103 & 104

Skills Book - Read Recipe for Chocolate Brownies page 50 Unit 6b.

Complete exercises A & B p. 51 in copy. Page 53: write the procedure for

making Rice Krispies or you can write the procedure for your favourite buns

or cake. Follow the procedure steps on page 53 to help you.

Spelling Made Fun- Complete Unit 26 – complete a section per day.

Handwriting- Complete page 44

Léigh sa Bhaile – Seachtain 27: Continue reading a page per day and

answer the questions orally. Don't forget you can also listen to each page

being read online at

Bua na Cainte

Go to, select RUN. Once the download has completed,

click on the file to install and follow the on-screen instructions. A Bua na

Cainte icon will appear on your desktop. Once you select this icon a login

page will open where you will need to enter the following details.

Username/login: TRIAL Password: TRIAL

I am aware that people are using different devices and some of you may

have poor internet coverage in your area. If you have trouble downloading

this file don’t worry, I will provide support on the Seesaw app.

Bua na Cainte- click on topic “Sa Bhaile”. This week we will complete

Ceacht 1, 2 & 3. Encourage children to listen and repeat the comhrá

(conversation), play the games and familiarise themselves with new


SESE-On click into Explorers for 2 nd class. Click into

the eBook, go to page 58 & 59. Read “The Tale of Lutey and the Mermaid”.

Complete exercises B & C in your copy or on a page.

You can test your knowledge of the story by completing the true or false

quiz in the Resources section- topic 8 Water, then click the title of the story.

*Instructions how to register for Folens was included in the notes before

Easter so if you can’t remember check back on the “Latest news” on the

school website.

Check your Seesaw app for activities to help support learning.

First Class – Ms. Campbell


· Master your Maths- week 27 (and Friday test)

· This week the children will be exploring the concept of fractions. The following youtube link explains the concept of fractions

· Using 3 real life examples, pretend you are dividing the examples between two people. Record (using pen and paper) yourself dividing something in half (for example if you had ten apples, divide them in half so that person 1 and person 2 get equal amounts)

· Operation Maths- pgs 96 and 97 (Fractions)

· Times Tables- 12+ (4 per night)

· Revision; subtraction using the game found at



· Starlight Combined Reader and Skills Book- Unit 6B (p.50)

· Read at Home pg. 110-113


· Book Report: Select a book you have read recently, or even your favourite book. Using the template provided, fill in each section based on your chosen book. Template can be found at Template can then be downloaded and printed or each section filled onto a sheet of paper/ copy book.

· Starlight Combined Reader and Skills Book: pgs. 51-53. Answer the questions on the text and complete pages 52 and 53 on a sheet of paper/ copybook.


· Léigh sa Bhaile lch 106-109 (you can listen to each page being read online at

· Using the vocabulary provided in the Twinkl template, draw and label the rooms in your house on a sheet of paper/ into a copybook.


History; Fionn and the Dragon

Read the story found at:

Answer the following questions (remember to use full sentences)

1) What was Fionn’s fathers name?

2) What was the name of the festival they were celebrating?

3) What did the dragon do as he came near Tara?

4) What reward did Fionn get for defeating the dragon?

5) Write a diary entry pretending you are Fionn on the night he defeated the dragon. (Think about the feelings you might have before the dragon arrived, describe what you believe the dragon looked like and how you felt after you defeated the dragon and became leader of the Fianna.)


· If children could participate in 3 of Joe Wick’s PE classes per week that would be fantastic. They can be found on Youtube (streamed Monday- Friday live @ 9am

Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Fraction Lesson for Kids | Classroom Edition

Senior Infants - Marian Carr


Maths Do pg. 98 & 99


 Read Let’s eat outside or any other book you have at home. For those of you who

are going to use Seesaw I will be adding an oxford reading tree reader each day

which you can read.

 Write about how you spent your Easter holidays.

 Learn spellings Fin, Bin, Win, Tin


Parents can sign up for a free account at using ‘Prim20’ as the roll number.

Log into Explorers SESE- Senior Infants - Unit 8- Water Geography Listen to the pond story and do the activities


Maths Do pg. 100


 Read Jack’s First Chilli Pepper Big Book. This can be found on the Folens

website. Click into Starlight programme for Senior infants filter down the

theme to food and it should come up. If you cannot access this just read

whatever is available at home. or any other book you have at home.

 Do pg. 53 handwriting book

 Do pg. 74 Just phonics AW sound

 Learn spellings That, What, Tim, Time

SESE Log into Explorers SESE- Senior Infants - Unit 8- Water Science Look at the

discussion about floating and sinking and do the activities


Maths Do pg. 101


 Read Jack’s First Chilli Pepper

 Do pg. 53 Handwriting book

 Do pg. 75 Just Phonics

 Learn spellings Car, Far, farm, Park

SESE Do pg. 39 explorers book


Maths visit Select Learning Games, select 5-7 year olds. Play some of the addition and subtraction games.


 Read Let’s Eat Outside

 Do pg. 55 Skills Book

 Put six of your spellings into sentences e.g. I saw the huge shark fin in the


 Write about a time when you ate outside

SESE Do pg. 40 Explorers Book


Maths visit Select Learning Games, select 5-7 year olds. Play some

of the addition and subtraction games.


 Read Let’s Eat Outside

 Do pg. 56 Skills Book

 Do a spelling test on the words covered this week.

SESE Do pg. 41 Explorers Book

If students are able to connect to Seesaw, please check in daily as there will be

activities to complete. This may involve posting a photograph of work already completed so that it can be corrected.

Junior Infants- Miss Mc Donnell.

I would encourage you to tune into Joe Wicks P.E. (Search P.E. with Joe- The Body Coach on YouTube) sessions which will be live Monday- Friday at 9am.

If you would like additional reading materials has a great selection of online readers which you can explore with your child!


 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Core reader word lists- The duck pond- add a few more words each day.

 Folens online (free account) - Unit/Poster 12-interactive lesson- story 1- listen and discuss.

 News- Copying of news and writing some news of their own.

o Today is Monday.

o It is _________. (weather)

o The third sentence can be dictated by child for parent/guardian to write.

o Once your child has copied these three sentences, they should be encouraged to free write their own

sentences by sounding out the words. (Encourage them not to worry about spelling/mistakes) Draw a picture to accompany your news.

 Operation Maths- At school book- Page 69- Time- Ordering Teddy’s Day (Upload picture to seesaw)


 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Core reader word list- The duck pond- add a few more words each day.

 Read ‘On The Farm’ Upload audio recording to seesaw.

 Just Phonics- Page 66 ‘th’

 Maths- parents can sign up for a free account. Select Maths (subject) and Early Years (age) and complete two activities of choice.

 You can also sign up for a free account here using ‘Prim20’ as the roll number.

Explorers SESE- Junior Infants- Spring Unit- Engage with stories in this unit and complete labelling activity.


 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Core reader word lists- continue to work through ‘ The duck pond’, adding a few more words each day.

 Read ‘On The Farm’-

 Jolly Phonics- New sound ‘oi’ (Material will be on seesaw.

 Operation Maths- At school book- Page 70- Time.

 Take a spring walk near your home and complete Folens Explorers- P36. You can upload some photos of things

you saw on your walk to seesaw.


 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Core reader word lists- continue to work through these, adding a few more words each day.

 Read ‘On The Farm’

 Just Phonics- Page 67 ‘th’

 Maths- parents can sign up for a free account. Select Maths (subject) and Early Years (age)

and complete two activities of choice.

 You can also sign up for a free account here using ‘Prim20’ as the roll number.

Explorers SESE- Junior Infants- Unit 7- Geography- Listen to the story ‘The Garden’ and explore the label and sort

activities which accompany it. Complete explorers book- Page 33.


 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Core reader word list- ‘The duck pond’

 Starlight Skills Book- P.13- Focus on words ‘look’ and ‘see’. (Upload photo to seesaw)

 Maths- Read your favourite book and orally recall and sequence the story, focusing on the order in which the

events happened.

 News- Copying of news and writing some news of their own.

o Today is Friday.

o It is _________. (weather)

o The third sentence can be dictated by child for parent/guardian to write.

o Once your child has copied these three sentences, they should be encouraged to free write their own sentences by sounding out the words. (Encourage them not to worry about spelling/mistakes) Draw a picture to accompany your news.

 Choose one yoga activity- Relax, and enjoy! 


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